Whew it seems like I've been away for far too long. I we'll say that I gave up blogging and snark for lent. One of those worked much better than the other. I was ready to come back last week, but then life exploded in a really terrible way. Now life has settled a bit and that Easter is almost here it's time to get back on the blog train. And now that work has seemed to settle down over the last few weeks and I'm sleeping better there is finally time for us to catch up on life.
There's so much to share too, but I won't overwhelm you too much today. Over the last several months Steve has been working with a local high school as a mentor for their FIRST robotics team and two weekends ago we got to go to one of their competitions. It was especially exciting because it was hosted by the team Steve's been working with and it was at his old high school. Steve's dad was also the head referee at the competition so we got some high level insight into some interesting fouls and replay situations.
The gym was packed. It only got more and more challenging to find good seats as the day went on. |
Steve's team in the stands watching and supporting their robot. |
What is a high school event without awkward group dance moves? |
Many of the teams had team number signs as another sign of support and recognition. |
I was skeptical at first but after watching a few of the matches I became a huge fan. The game this year is called rebound rumble and focuses on shooting baskets and balancing the robots on teeter-totter type boards. It was really cool to see all the different designs and shooting mechanisms.
The teams had 4 baskets they could use to score. The white border is a special reflective coating that most teams used to help line up the robots for shooting. |
Steve's team had an extendable arm that allowed them to get much closer to the top basket, which was worth more points than the lower baskets. |
Another shot of team 548 in the process of shooting. |
Team 703 did a great job playing defense in the final matches, although I'm not sure this was a totally legal move. |
Every so often, 548 would struggle to make it over the center line, which had a bit of bump to get over. In this case, getting stuck was not a concern. |
The qualification matches actually started on Friday but we only went to the Saturday matches. We got to watch Steve's team play 2 of their qualification matches. The team ended up in third place after qualification and they got picked by the first rated team to form an alliance for the elimination matches. During the lunch break we had to rush home so I could change into my glasses because I'd managed to rip a contact and didn't have any spares since I've been wearing my glasses so much lately. We ended up missing the first elimination match because we got back late but all of the other ones were really great. The third team on the alliance was from Dexter where they had tornadoes come through recently. Their group became known for spinning like tornadoes when introduced.
The teams have student drivers that use gaming joysticks or controllers to move the robots. They also have cute, little netbooks to run some of the software like the camera on the robot. |
In the elimination round, balancing three robots on a single board was worth 40 points and in the finals our alliance managed to pull it off several times including both final matches.
Steve's team balancing with two other teams in one of the final matches. The coveted triple balance isn't always possible because of the varying sizes of the robots. |
Balancing on the middle board was only important during the qualification rounds and you had to balance with the opposing team. Team 67 had a good mechanism to help stay on the board. |
Balancing on the boards is tricky and sometimes robots ended up toppling over. Most robots are stuck then and out for the rest of the match. |
I managed to find my way to the top of the bleachers a few times to try and get some photos without blocking other people. Overall I was impressed by the lighting in the gym. Even though I had my ISO up pretty high to compensate it was definitely one of the better lit gyms I've been in.
After the matches were over, and Steve's team came in first I got to take a closer look at their robot.
Most teams used a long board to mount their netbook and controllers; 548 used a briefcase instead. It was one of my favorite details of the day. |
They even made an ethernet connection through the wall so they could hardwire the computer to the robot. |
YAY! I did FIRST in high school and loved it! Team 1512!