Here's a run down of the books I read during our vacation:
A World I Never Made
A Tailor-Made Bride
*Making Waves: A Novel
A Chance In Time
Two Wars
*The Strange Case of Finley Jayne
Paid in Blood
Beyond The Bougainvillea
Pictures of the Mind: What the New Neuroscience Tells Us About Who We Are
Eye of the God
Harry Potter (Book 1 and 2)
*Hands down great books (in my opinion)
Lest you think I spent over $100 on vacation reading, I snagged all of these books while they were free on Amazon. It can be hard to get them because they aren't free for very long, but they have a great RSS feed of popular free books, which I mentioned a while back.
One of the best (or worst) aspects of the free Kindle books is that the first book in a series and a new author's first book tend to be free as a way to get exposure. I've found several new authors and series this way, but the whammy is that the later books come at the typical $10 price.
Hopefully this gets any lofts reading plans out of my system, because it seems that the only thing I'm going to be reading for the next 3 weeks is research articles for projects.
I...wish I had read that much in the last year! I think I've only read 1 or 2 books for reasons other than class in the past school year.