One of the best parts about spending time in Florence was that we were close enough to take a day train to Pisa. This was an amazing day and easily my favorite part of our entire trip. The trip to Pisa was relatively quick at about an hour and cheap enough that it was totally worthwhile.
After a bit of confusion as to which way we needed to go to get to the Leaning Tower, we were on the right path and started wandering towards the Tower.
I swear Italy is filled with beautiful riverside buildings. It's completely not fair.
Cutest little church sandwiched between the riverfront and the buildings. It, like many places, was crazy expensive to get into so we just admired the exterior and then continued on our walk to the Leaning Tower.
I can't even begin to describe how much I loved the Leaning Tower of Pisa, or the Campanile as it actually is. There's something so eeire about a building that isn't perpendicular to the ground. We chose not to climb to the top because of the large expense, but even from the bottom it was a sight to see.
They were doing some work on the tower when we were there, likely to help stabilize it. They had big signs (right edge) explaining all of the work they were doing, but unfortunately they were far enough behind the gates that we couldn't read them.
Cute photo with the tower. It was actually crawling with people despite the appearance that it's completely empty behind the tower. A big portion around it was blocked off because of the work they were doing.
Requisite holding up the tower photo!
There were several different options for tickets, but we ended up choosing the 2 of 5 building ticket and chose to go into the Duomo and Baptistery.
Inside the Pisa Duomo was absolutely gorgeous, but then again we didn't expect any less. I especially liked the gold (leaf?) ceiling.
This was one sweet monument/tombstone.
Please excuse all of the artsy-ness. It's the only way to pretend that these indoor, very low light photos weren't complete junk.
The baptistery and the side of the Duomo. I loved the shape of the baptistery, but there will be more photos from that tomorrow!
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