Wednesday, January 5, 2011

English or Um Sort Of

We've had a really interesting time handling some of the language barriers that appear when dealing with non native English speakers, and we thought we'd share some of our more funny experiences with you guys.

When we were in Cairo, we saw a couple of laughable English translation errors at the military museum.

 Apparently they have trouble spelling trebuchet too, but since it's from French, that might have something to do with it.

Poor Jimmy Carter had to meet with the Prim Minister, I bet he was just a buzz kill.  I think I've heard of that place Israil, isn't that the one with all of the great trains?  And I bet Obama didn't realize that he was living in the Light House.  Or maybe it was renamed sometime since Jimmy Carter was president?  There are several other errors here too, but these were just three of the six or so problems with that sign.

This photo showed up in our Cairo recap, but since it has an important message, we'll highlight it again.

Remember, "The Safaty Fitst" always!

We got a cryptic text message a few weeks ago from the vet clinic that services campus.  See if you can translate the "text" speak into real sentences:

"gud a.m. this fr. happy pet vet clnc, sori 2 inform u that d vaccines 4 cats are not yet available. tnx"

That clinic can text like a champ.  In case you couldn't figure it out, they were trying to say "Good morning.  This is from the Happy Vet Clinic.  Sorry to inform you that the vaccines for cats are not yet available. Thanks."

And finally, Steve found a great vibrating reindeer toy for ages 3+ advertising "Provides infinite pleasure."  Enough said.

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