Monday, February 21, 2011

Fear Driven Action

Have you ever taken action to try and prevent a fear from becoming a reality?  After reading about several tragic house fires right at the end of 2010 I realized that if something like that were to happen to us we'd have quite the disaster on our hands.  This realization coupled with 3-4 fire alarms going off in a two week span and the fact that I have no idea whether we have any kind of disaster/accident insurance drove me to do something to try and mitigate potential disaster.

Since we got back from Athens, I've slowly been creating a home inventory of all of our possessions.  I started by going through room by room by memory and copying down anything I could think of. This surprisingly captured a significant portion of our possessions.  It definitely helped that I try to have a PEEP (place for everything and everything in its place).  Now I'm going back through and adding items I didn't remember we had.  It's also been a great opportunity to clean out a bit, since if I couldn't even remember it, we might not actually need it.

Eventually, I'd like to gather additional details for our most valuable items, and try to get an idea of the overall replacement value.  This will come in handy later when we have to get our own renter's insurance.

Another reason I wanted to get this started now, is because our possessions are relatively limited here, as we could only bring what would fit into our suitcases.  I'm also not including anything that was provided with the apartment because I honestly don't feel responsible towards it.

Despite all of this work, we'll definitely have to repeat this when we get home, as we both left a considerable amount in storage at home.

Has anyone else considered doing this?  How do you keep track of all of the information?

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