Friday, March 18, 2011

Interesting Internet

As always there is a lot of great and interesting articles out there on the tubes if you know where to look, so I thought I'd share some of my favorites.

The author of Everything Everywhere had an interesting piece in The Atlantic about the myth of the authentic travel experience.  I especially enjoyed his comparison to a cultural zoo.  It's fascinating to learn about new cultures and different people, but we shouldn't be so surprised when they happen to be a lot like us.

Do Mi's post about how having One Thing wasn't enough blew me away.  In many ways I can relate to this.  There are so many activities I've started and never stuck with such as scrapbooking, sewing, knitting to some extent, and the eight different instruments I played between the ages of 9 and 18.

As an adult (or someone nearing an adult) it's easy to discount children's books as childish and silly, but Jonathan  Fields has a great list of seven children's books with important life lessons.  We all should have paid more attention to these, and I'm definitely going to check the library on campus to see about re-reading them.

This next article Steve found and it absolutely cracked me up.  Go read about how scientists are searching for life on Earth by looking at photographs!  Yup, the European Space Agency is now searching for life on Earth.  In reality, if we can figure out a way to know if there's life on Earth when it takes up less than 1 pixel, then we can do that for other planets.

Finally, a link to a youtube video (or two).  Steve first introduced me to Molly Lewis's music when he sent me a link to her cover of Poker Face, which I promptly fell in love with because it rocks and Poker Face quickly became our spring break anthem as we drove out to Arches and Canyonlands National Parks.  Several years later, she wrote a serenade to Stephen Fry and nary a week later ended up performing at his Harvard lifetime achievement award celebration.

So go feast on the glory that is the internet, because seriously when in our lives have we ever had so much greatness at such easy reach?

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